Monday, September 20, 2010

Thinking of Spring

Now is the time of the year to be thinking about a green Lawn for next year. Mantis has what you need to get started with detaching and aerating your lawn. Most people wait until spring but the fall is best because their is no weed competition and temperatures are cooler. Once you get that old thatch removed spread some fresh seed. Use a good blended mix and get it out 30 days before frost starts. If you have questions about your lawn use feed back or e-mail me at

With the Mantis tiller you should also be thinking about those Hostas that need slitting or other spring bulbs. With the Mantis tiller lightweight you can get in those flower beds and loosen up the soil for easy planting.

I myself like being green with the Mantis electric tiller. It fits the size of my yard and will do everything a bigger tiller will do. When I'm planting and slitting flower I won't trade my Mantis electric tiller for anything. It is great for working around other plants in beds or tilling my garden in spring.